When you sign up for One-on-One Coaching or Tri Squad, you will receive your weekly training plans on Today's Plan.
Today’s Plan is a powerful workout delivery and tracking platform. You will be able to see each workout in your plan, and every individual session will include a video tutorial and important information on how to execute the session as intended. Your training plan customization is dependent on what type of coaching program you are in, but Today’s Plan offers high flexibility to click and drag your workouts around, keep a subjective log of training execution, upload all data, and keep track of your progress over time.
Purple Patch Tri Squad athletes: Your Base Plan workouts will automatically load into your week, but you will also have the option to add supporting workouts, strength and conditioning plans, and race builds that guide you into your key events and races. With the support of the Tri Squad Managers, Purple Patch coaches, and ongoing education opportunities; you will be empowered to structure your weeks to seamlessly integrate into life.
One-to-One Coached athletes: You can expect every planned training session to integrate into your life schedule for that week, with your coach preparing your training plan not just based on your goals but what is happening in your life. It is an important partnership to yield a program that is not just dumped on life but becomes a part of the fabric of your busy schedule.