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The Long-Term Performance Lens and Season Planning
Long-term planning is not easy for an athlete. From aiming to progress to a certain level over multiple seasons to choose the events that suit you best, and properly structuring a full race schedule; things can get a bit overwhelming. That is why we decided to outline a few things to consider in your planning decisions, which should act as a framework for all of the more granular decisions. One of the guiding tenants of our overall coaching philosophy is to have athletes progress season over season, avoiding short-term thinking and decisions at all costs.
Great Habits
As a coach to world champion triathletes, CEOs, and thought leaders, I have discovered the similar personality traits and characteristics that most of these elite performers contribute to their success in sport, business, and life. The same strategies these successful people use can be applied to your time-starved life. Read my distilled observations and thoughts in The Power Of Great Habits.
Purple Patch Glossary
Stumped about how exactly to execute a workout? Need clarification on your prescription. Look no further! We suggest printing this one out and putting it in on the fridge. The Role of Training Zones The role of training zones is to create a common language between coach and athlete that enables you to train as prescribed. What do the zones mean and how are they applied throughout your training? Ensuring you understand each training zone is a critical step in proper workout execution.