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Following your last race of the season it is important and deserved to have an emotional and physical break from structured training. A few weeks of active exercise, but not training, and a chance to enjoy life is not only good for the soul, but allows your body to recover from a long season of training and racing. For serious athletes this should only be two or three weeks, so defining this break in the calendar is a good start to setting up 2012 correctly. Most people know how to relax well, and no structure means no structure, but it is important to define a start to building for 2012.
Following this season break you move into an important developmental phase of your training for 2012. This will define success and an evolution of your performance. It would be crazy to call this the 'off-season' because this suggests it's of little importance. The developmental phase of training prior to next season's racing is the chance to set the tone for your performance changes. The key is to getting it right for your needs.
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