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The story of the journey of Sarah Piampiano. Her professional journey is short (so far), but it is still worthy of reflection as the lessons are strong.
Following the article I wrote a couple of months ago outlining the journey and progression of Rasmus Henning, this month we shift to a very different story; the journey of Sarah Piampiano. Unlike Rasmus, who has a long and established resume and is a seasoned professional athlete, Sarah's professional journey is short (so far), but it is still worthy of reflection as the lessons are strong. Over the last two and a half years Sarah has progressed from a non-active busy executive, to newbie amateur, to serious amateur triathlete to full-time professional triathlete. She is right in the middle of one of the hardest parts of building a successful career, and within her story are lessons for other serious athletes looking to progress their careers, as well as anyone looking for progressive performance development at their own level of competition.