Another year, and another camp in Kona. Number nine is in books and, once again, it was a great success. It is hard to put into words the power of these camps, from the coaches getting to work directly with the attending athletes, to the connections made between the campers. This year's camp goers ranged from 24 years of age to 63, from pro to newbie to the sport, all united under a banner of self-improvement. Throughout the camp, we were met with the typical unpredictability of Kona conditions, but the group excelled individually and as a unit.
It is worth revisiting the value of these camps, which I decided to outline as my top ten list of camp value propositions. Before I do this, a heartfelt thanks and congratulations to the resident Purple Patch coaches who staffed the trip.
- Scott Layton
- Matt Hurley
- Brad Hunter
- Dave Dwan
All engaged and absolutely committed to providing coaching, feedback, and enabling safety. Camps are a hard graft with a lot of back-of-shop logistics and work to make it a success. The logistics of the trip were expertly managed by Purple Patch legend, Anthony DuComb, and we had great SAG support from Bike Works and Steve Sodaro (husband of Chelsea Sodaro).
So, what makes the training camps so special and of high value? Here is my Top Ten List:
- Athlete Empowerment: Every athlete left with several key commitments to work on in their own training life — from skills to habits.
- Skill Development: Genuine hands-on coaching to enable athletes to execute as intended, under feedback and guidance from the coaches.
- Successful Challenge: Athletes manage unpredictable conditions, energy, and fatigue in an environment that brings challenge, but always success.
- Education: There is no better environment than a camp to execute group and individual learning around the deeper concepts of training and performance. Education, and then heading out to execute the principles provide a powerful teach venue.
- Shared Experience: There is something special about sharing the magical views, tough sessions, challenges, and even fatigue of a camp within a group experience. It feels like more than your success, it feels like collective empowerment.
- Coaches Education: Often not spoken about, but the coaches being able to see their athletes in action is incredible, and it informs what each athlete should work on, and how to tailor the best plan for the athlete.
- Inspiration all around: Whether watching Chelsea Sodaro running 5 min pace on the track, or Norma fighting her way to crest the top of the long and arduous climb, inspiration comes from all quarters and increases self-belief and passion for the campers.
- Great humans: Beyond the training and education, the camps bring together incredibly interesting people — broadening all of our perspectives on the sport and life in general.
- A training boost: Down at #9, but still important, these camps are big booster in resilience and fitness. Each athlete learns a little suffering on these adventures and absolutely grows as a person and athlete.
- A reminder of the WHY: Training can get a grind for most of us, but these escapes and focused weeks of training often the spark of perspective and passion on the best part of a performance lifestyle. No camper went home with a lack of excitement or passion for the journey. It is no wonder that we have so many return campers who come back again and again — it is special.
Your next chance to join us? South Carolina in August. Our summer camp stands on its own two feet as a special experience in itself, and I invite you to join us. It is amazing, and the perfect end of summer boost to your fall performance. On sale now.