There may be situations where you want or need to edit either time of day or duration of a workout. Most commonly, this is for use with FuelIn, but you may also want to make these edits if you sync your Today's Plan workouts with a calendar app or simply want to adjust the specifics of a session for your own records.
In this article, we'll cover how to cover duration and time of day for a given workout, along with the Z-scores that FuelIn use as part of their nutrition program.
FuelIn is a powerful and economical way for athletes to get highly personalized, expert guidance on their fueling and nutrition. Since FuelIn uses specific data from your Today's Plan account (among many other factors) to calculate your nutrition plan, you'll need to make sure that time of day, workout duration, and Z-scores are correct for all your workouts.
Z scores help tell FuelIn calculate the intensity of a session. All Purple Patch workouts already have Z-scores built into their name, so you DO NOT need to worry about this for our sessions.
However, if you add your own unstructured workout, you'll need to include a Z-score (for example, your weekly Masters swim or Sunday morning ride with a local cycling group). To learn how to do determine a workout's Z-score and add it to the workout title correctly, visit the The FuelIn FAQ.
Time Of Day
By default, your first workout of the day will be scheduled for 7:00am, and any additional workouts will be scheduled immediately after that one ends. If you're planning on doing your workout at another time:
- Learn how to edit the time of day for your workouts from a desktop browser. (Additional FuelIn-specific details are available in the FuelIn FAQ as well).
- To edit the workout start time in the Today's Plan app: click the three dots to the right of the workout name, click "Move" and input your updated start time, then click OK.
Because Purple Patch workouts include a variety of flexible options for duration, this is one area where you'll need to pay close attention. Let's look at each type of session separately:
- No matter which version you do (time-rich/time-starved, pool/open water, row/hike, etc.), you don't need to worry about adjusting the default duration for these for FuelIn. The differences simply aren't big enough to affect your fueling plan.
- The exception: if difference between your scheduled vs. planned training time is greater than 1 hour, you should edit the duration of the workout.
- BIKE sessions
- You only need to change the duration of a bike session if you are crossing the "90-minute line":
- If the duration in Today's Plan is LESS than 90 minutes, but you want to ride for MORE than 90 minutes
- If the duration in Today's Plan is MORE than 90 minutes, but want to ride for LESS than 90 minutes
- So: if the workout is scheduled for 94 minutes, but you want to ride for 2 1/2 hours, you do not need to update the duration in Today's Plan. If the workout is scheduled for 94 minutes, but you want to ride for 1 hour, you do need to update the duration.
- IMPORTANT: You cannot directly edit the time of a structured session -- you'll need to edit or remove the powerfile. Since the powerfile is only used for Zwift/TrainerRoad, your decision will be based on workout format:
- If you're doing a live/VOD or outdoor ride, DELETE the powerfile entirely, then edit the duration of the workout
- If you're doing a stuctured ride in Zwift/TrainerRoad, edit the powerfile itself by adding an interval at the end. This will update the duration once you click Save.
- You only need to change the duration of a bike session if you are crossing the "90-minute line":
- RUN sessions
- Most of our runs also include powerfiles now. Similar to the bike, you only need to worry about updating durations if you fall on either side of a certain threshold:
- STANDALONE RUNS: If the duration in Today's Plan is MORE than 70 minutes, but you want to run for LESS than 70 minutes (or vice versa)
- BRICK RUNS: If the duration in Today's Plan is MORE than 40 minutes, but you want to run for LESS than 40 minutes (or vice versa)
- So: if a standalone run is scheduled for 60 minutes but you only want to run for 40 minutes, you do not need to update the duration in Today's Plan. If a brick run is scheduled for 20 minutes, but you want to run for 45 minutes, you do need to update the duration.
- If you need to edit the duration of a run, we strongly recommend deleting the powerfile entirely. Once you do this, you can then edit the duration of the workout. (Don't worry: our runs are pretty simple -- you really don't need the structured version.)
- Most of our runs also include powerfiles now. Similar to the bike, you only need to worry about updating durations if you fall on either side of a certain threshold: