COACH FORUM: Athlete Questions Surrounding Training
We know that right now most of us, if not all, are in very unique life situations and you might be facing a lot of questions regarding your training and what that might look like for you right now.
We are collectively here to answer your questions as best we can - whether that is how do I swap "X" for "Y" or what is a good alternative for "Z." We will put on our creative hats and aim to help you navigate.
As always, stay safe and know we are here for you.
The Purple Patch Team
This is individual, but I would say 60 degrees will pose no issues.
Once you start to venture below 58 degrees, I would urge caution. And I would have support if you plan on being in water that's 56 degrees or less. Stay close to shore, have a kayak or another swimmer.
Tip: Vasoline on the neck and face will help insulate as well.
I know we touched on this a bit in Hurley's OH yesterday, but for clarification:
On a day like Thursday, we have Circuit 2+Run Drills, and a Supporting Run, and Trans Strength (plus a swim that I won't be doing anyway).
It looks like the Circuit 2 kinda blends right into the Run (run drills right before a run seems logical). Intended?
I'll probably move Mob/Strength somewhere else that only has one workout (Wed/Fri).
So with this specific example, I plan to do all of it, but maybe not same day. But could we, should we?
I guess the real question is: are we still intending to do ALL of the Time Rich Stuff (minus pool, which is subbed by Swim at Home) if we can? Whether moved around or not. That would be my plan unless instructed otherwise (like do 80% of what is listed, in general).
Clear as mud?
I have 2 questions regarding the bike:
1) On Zwift, I do any workout with low cadence work in ERG mode. I find that my RPE is higher at a given power in ERG mode than when I ride at that same power out of ERG mode. Is this typical? I have a love hate relationship with ERG. I often adjust my FTP down whenever I have to ride in ERG mode. Not sure if this is the right way to go about things in order to stay in the intended heart rate zone...
2) Now that the weather is starting to turn nicer, riding outside is an option for me some days. Due to my early season 70.3 getting postponed, my first races (if they happen) will be XTERRAs. These are A races for me. How do you recommend adjusting my bike sessions? How often should I be on my MTB (i.e. race specific but more difficult to execute set workout) versus doing trainer or road sessions? Should I try to emphasize more hill work or more intervals (given the variable nature of trail races) or just follow along the prescribed bike plan?
Jefflipschultz The circuit with run drills is a great lead-in combination with any running session, lean into that definitely, intended if you have the time. Works stand-alone as well for those that are sneaking it in.
Do the second question, yes, hitting all of the mobility/core/strength sessions during the week is a plus as long as time is available- move as needed. Since there's no heavy lifting in the week the only restrictions are time available and how well you can hold form and technique through all of the sessions. You are seeking great execution first and foremost.
-Brad, PPF Coach
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