COACH FORUM: Fall Strength & Self-Care Sessions



  • Jessica VandenBussche

    Hi team, looking forward to discussion on these topics!

    What are your favourite balance exercises, specifically for running? (Any additions to the ones Coach Mike and Sara P are doing in their core/activation sessions?)

    I like to do yoga, for balance, body awareness, and self-care but have gotten away from it in the past few months concentrating on the Squad program as prescribed instead. When and if I go back to yoga, do you have suggestions for specific postures to i) do more of, and ii) do less of, based on the demands of our sport? (e.g. passive shoulder holds for flexibility prob will not be a good thing for me, but dynamic 1-legged work with trunk rotation seem to be a good reflection of some of the current core/activation exercises we have been doing anyway)

    Thanks for the input!

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  • Kerenward


    Will the resiliency plan be updated with the Fall strength sessions? I’ve just dropped the plan into my calendar but it’s got the Summer strength sessions in there.



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  • Lps Tony

    Hi Coaches,

    Thanks for the new optional stretch sessions. I have already done twice and feel many knots on my body already loosened up. I have been told that static stretches should be done post workouts. So I want to make sure if I have been done them correctly since I did the stretches post workouts.
    Another question is how many sessions you would advise for a week? Is it possible to do too many stretches and make my body too loosened up and unstable?


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  • Anita Smith

    Fall strength Week 2 Workout 2 has an exercise - Leg Lowering but there is no individual video for it and it's not in the main video? 

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  • Bruce Horak

    Hi coaches, team

    I've looked for the self-care sessions with Eva in the optional workout library and can't seem to find them.

    What am I missing?

    Thanks :)

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  • Purple Patch

    Hi Jessica,

    When I hear 'balance' for running, I think of stability--how the ankle and hip stabilize the leg.  I think you have the right idea--single leg work where you are moving your upper body (such as the airplane movements we have in the strength work), but I would also suggest to do them barefoot.  Weightlifting that you are doing with only body weight or with non-maximal weights can generally be done barefoot with good balance results.  

    My barefoot suggestion would be to do movements where the supporting leg (the one on the ground) is planted, meaning the foot is not leaving the ground.  A 1-leg deadlift, for instance, can be done barefoot to help with your running balance.

    Start with that change, and see how it is for a few weeks.  


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  • Jessica VandenBussche

    Very helpful! Thank you!

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  • Purple Patch

    Hi Tony,

    You are absolutely correct that static stretches are best done post workout, so you are doing the right thing! I'm glad you are feeling the benefit already. You can do these sessions after every workout, rotating between upper and lower body and spending more time on areas that are most restricted. You do want to make sure that you are also doing stability, core, strength work as well, as this will provide the balance of mobility/stability that will allow for optimal training and performance. It is possible to overstretch (holding for several minutes and progressing too quickly), but if you follow the guidelines given in the Patch videos this week, you should not be at risk of that! 
    --Eva Popper
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  • Purple Patch

    Hi Keren,

    Yes, we will be adding in the new strength to the Resilience Plan, so look for that in the coming days.  You will find that it compliments the resilience plan well.



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  • Chris Hughes

    I've realized one of my greatest weaknesses is balance.  Even doing things like a single leg hip hinge is an exercise in wobbling around.

    Is there anything I can do to make this easier?  Or something I can practice to have better balance?

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  • Purple Patch

    Hi Anita,

    We have made adjustments to the strength program that will be reflected in the next cycle for week 2.  For this round, pass over that exercise.



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  • Purple Patch

    Hi Bruce,

    Can you send in a support ticket with a screen-shot of what you are seeing in Today's Plan?  That will help us troubleshoot what is missing so you can access the sessions.



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  • Purple Patch

    Hi Chris,

    Many athletes experience balance and stability training needs, so you are not alone with that.  Something you can think about is regressing exercises closer to the floor.  What I mean by that is doing an exercises standing is the most advanced position. For some exercises where you are simply standing (the legs are not doing the work), you may find benefit in having a half-kneeling position (one knee on the ground with the other foot forward).  This will challenge your core and hip stability in a similar way to standing, but with 3 contact points on the ground (foot, knee, foot), instead of 2 (foot, foot).

    This can translate well to single leg balance exercises.  With standing exercises, you can also use a wall or a chair like training wheels on a bike.  Try not to hold the wall, but instead use it sparingly to resent your balance as you are going through the exercise, slowly needing it less and less as you improve your balance and stability.

    You can also go for single leg hip bridges (having your back on the ground) as a way to work on all the stability and balance in the hip and ankle, while having more support and focus.  Then you can super-set that with some standing to reinforce the muscle training in the desired final exercise (meaning going from hip bridges to standing 1 leg balance and back and forth).

    Let me know if that helps!


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  • Bruce Horak

    Thanks Kai! David Shinn kindly pointed out that there was a little refresh button at the bottom of the optional workout library. Once I hit that they all appeared :) If anyone else is having that issue that's the answer. Best, Bruce 

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